So just including a few photos - I took 300+ of the weekend. I know we have many choices out in the art world to participate in... some cost alittle - some cost alot. And you might wonder - is this Inspiration Weekend worth it. I have 1 word YES!!!!!!!!!
First Donna & Bill Downey are just from the core nice people that you will ever meet.
It's rare to find people that just deeply believe that your experience should be over the top fulfilling. From the look of the store - the decor - you feel like your walking into Donna's Craft Room - to the actually tour - by Donna to see her craft room. To the Gifts... The food - that was home made with love from Donna's Mom... To our Limo driven dinner on the last night. Bill picks us up from the airport - drives us back and forth to the hotel - it's so nice to have a man at your beck and call.
Now lets talk about the weekend... The Supplies are endless... I mean i'm in totally heaven endless...
Here's a small peak on the supplies we had at our finger tips....
Lets talk about the teaching.. I love Donna's style she talks... sits at someone's seat and just shows you how she does it with other's doing it along with her. She wants to give you the tools to do it your way...
Then she moves onto the next tasks.
To Next Lesson and over and over....
Then Melissa Taught us how to do some fun stuff on the Gelli Plate
The extra classes were just amazing.
The food hand delivered - hand made by Donna's Mother... And with Love and Care... Very good.
The love gifts were amazing.
The Tools they let us use.
Bill & Donna Film Crew & Host!
Lots more photos to post I'll keep them company - the art on the walls - the teaching... the extras...
But I will say... if your on the fence... GO GO GO it's worth every single penny.
Stay at the Hampton very nice hotel - good continental breakfast - and you can walk to the store - but Bill won't let you!!
I can't wait to go back.